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Sugar Skull Illustrations

I had a lot of fun with this project. Originally my idea was a lot less detailed than what the final came to be, and thankfully my professor pushed me to really fill all the empty space. At the end of the project we got the opportunity to make pins with our designs and I think that was my favorite thing about this project was to be able to make these pins.

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In the beginning we had to come up with three different solutions for this project

Original Design from thumbnail

Original design from thumbnail

Final Black and White Sugar Skull

Final Black and White Design

Final Coloring

For the final coloring we used the recolor tool in illustrator, along with different color schemes from Adobe Color. I played around a lot with the different hues of the original dark blue skull, and also threw in another color scheme I made in Adobe Color, and I am absolutely in love with the different coloring options it came up with.


Energy Conservation Stamps


WWF Digital Illustration Poster